1. Notes



"Kar ar Jarra. Arr ar Vrer. Kren ar Ker. Nir ar Geer."


The Beldic Creed in Aarakocra (transliteration and script)

Native Speakers

Aarakocra, Kenku, Owlin

Aarakocra is the language of the Bird Folk. It is a rarely seen language, and it only widely spoken in the Aarakocra nests. The language is written in a blocky script, with each letter fitting into a square of universal size and shape (which is also used as a period).

The Aarakocra language language was written not to be written, but to be carved into stone tablets and mountain cliff sides by its speakers’ sharp talons. As such, the letters are angular and blocky, as they are carved in several straight lines by the writer. This was originally done with their talons, however modern Aarakocra often wear metal ornaments on their “writing finger” which allows them to carve without dulling their talons. 

Type in Aarakocra