1. Objects

The First Family of Man


The First Family of Man is a set of two paintings of the children of Deshen believed to have been painted from life by the master painter Ozer Shen-gallos. It is believed that the family sat for the painting, which was then given as a gift to Urshu I, Prince of Kardunash, by Deshen as a token of goodwill. The paintings remain today in the Great Palace of Kardunash alongside many other Mannic relics. 

Notably, Unknown and Unknown are absent from the painting. The reason is unknown but it is believed that this may be because they were not present in the capital when it was painted. It is known that Sethen was a wandering adventurer, rarely coming to K'deshti, and Methusulon was as mysterious in the First Age as he is in the current day.


The paintings, left to right: Abuleth, Azuria, Jarosh, Shara, and Canoron

