1. Objects

Star Crown of Mankind



The Old Crown, is said to have been modeled after the Star Crown

Other Names

Crown of Man

Crown of Deshen

Crown of Sin

Star Crown


Tomb of Deshen, K'deshti




Sirda (star) and Deshen

The Star Crown of Mankind is an ancient artifact of immense power created by Deshen, first King of Mankind, as a symbol of his divinity and sovereignty. It was created when Deshen pulled a star from the sky and fashioned it into a crown. The Crown, besides being incredibly powerful, is also seen as a symbol of complete global sovereignty and is greatly sought after by many nations and factions.

The Star Crown is a circlet of Deshengold, styled with elaborate carvings and ripples. The circlet is comprised of square segments, connected by hinges. 


Deshen creates the Star Crown