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  1. Journals

And It Fits in a Bottle!

Peas Recap

Endelshine 7th, 951

  • Tyerjon and Journey discussed what they felt from Haradumeir’s mating call
    • They resolved not to tell the party about the dragon or Zahast, fearing that the group may wish to go kill the dragons
  • Journey became very nervous and skittish about what she saw, while Tyerjon became intrigued by the presences he felt but didn’t quite recognize.
  • Seamus discussed his situation a bit more with Cormac as the rest of the Peas filtered down for breakfast, and Phaelnah discovered what a hangover feels like
  • Grognock received the Hellheart back from Journey, who gave it back without a second thought
    • Grognock promised Journey a “wish” in return
  • Wander, Phaelnah, Journey, and Tyerjon made their way to the Hymathel branch of the Council of Dreamers in order to consult their library
    • Wander spent the day copying spells from the arcane library into his ritual book, becoming capable of casting Find Familiar and Tiny Hut.
    • Tyerjon attempted to find consultation about his ancestral sword, but the professor of arcane languages was currently out for the day.
    • Phaelnah attempted to contact Yoxxel, who blew her off.
    • Journey spent some time hiding in a corner of the library before leaving with Tyerjon to find Seamus
  • Seamus took to the streets of the Fulyne as Murica, hitting up the choice spots, drinking and gorging himself on shaeval
  • Grognock returned to the Fectern Temple, and consulted with Father Syllis regarding him dreams and faith.
    • Grognock presented the Hellheart to Syllis, who was shocked, but willing to perform a purification ritual
    • Syllis casted a Detect Evil and Good spell and his demeanor towards Grognock suddenly changed as he led Grognock to a ritual room in the back
    • Grognock was put into the middle of a purification circle and the priests of the temple began a ritual, swirling water around Grognock’s form
    • The Hellheart, gripped firmly by Grognock, exploded in his hands, mangling them as he used Wholeness of Body.
    • The ritual continued as Grognock battled against some entity that began to free itself from his body
    • Grognock began to become exhausted as a gigantic demon emerged from his body
    • While the priests struggled to contain the demon, Grognock assisted the ritual by pouring all his ki into one of the priests, giving him a surge of power and forcing the demon down into a tiny form. One of the priests then walked over, and popped the demon into a bottle
    • Grognock talked briefly to the Bottle Demon, learning that it was placed inside him by Tarisi, and then to a very fatigued and confused Syllis
    • Father Syllis stated that the demon would likely be sent to the High Priests of Sanar.
    • Grognock took the rest of the day to pray and rest.
  • Leadbelly stewed by a canal as children from the other side threw pebbles at his feet.
  • Journey and Tyerjon eventually met up with Seamus in the Fulyne, with the latter being very drunk.
    • Seamus, as Murica, was stopped by a man in fine clothes, who introduced himself as Vyloxen Shurilas, the wizard of the East Serpent of Hymathel, handing her an invitation to his tower
    • Tyerjon and Journey helped Murica get away from him, but he seemed to still be obsessed
  • Tyerjon stopped in at the Astralseeker’s Closet, but refrained from making any purchases.
  • Journey hid inside of the bookstore A Good Turn, weirding out the storeowner
  • Phaelnah spent some time around town looking for an offering to Aeltra, settling on an interesting regional plant native to Sanaris that apparently needs talking to called a zal’zau plant.
  • The group eventually met back up at the Festering Fowl, electing to move across town to Vuldentarg, a dwarven tavern.
    • Grognock immediately bought a room and went to bed
    • Buying rooms for the night, the most group got drunk off of the in-house brew Vilevuld, getting in the mood to fight. Journey and Phaelnah managed to refrain.
    • Journey and Phaelnah avoided fights with drunk patrons of the tavern, and went up to bed, where Phaelnah attempted to talk to Inglis once again, and he was, yet again, cryptic and distant.
    • Journey discussed her vision with Wander, and explained that her family was close, and that she was worried.
    • The rest of the group spent the night fighting, and eventually made their way up to bed.
    • Murica discovered a creepy letter from Vyloxen on her bed

Endelshine 8th, 951

  • Murica received some creepy telepathic messages from Vyloxen, implying that he was also watching her constantly as well
  • The group decided to visit Deowyn in his office, discovering Yoxxel in there alone
    • Yoxxel offered to show the group a new spell she was working on, asking Journey to stand in front of a target on the back wall
    • Phaelnah insisted on doing it instead, and Yoxxel burned an image of her silhouette into the target using her fire magic
    • Irritated by Phaelnah, Yoxxel left the tower but was stopped by the noble elf, and explained a little bit about Yuleyan and her history with Inglis
  • Deowyn eventually arrived with the rest of the group’s payment, while stuffing his face full of food.
    • Deowyn extended an offer to the party to escort a relief caravan to communities around Hymnethas and the city of Peralas, which the party accepted.
    • The party learned a bit about Selathwin Muleyr from Deowyn.
    • The party discussed the issues with Vyloxen, and Deowyn noticed something watching over the party, which he dispelled. He somehow discussed something briefly with the wizard, and Murica handed over the creepy letter he wrote her, with Deowyn promising he’d use it to help the party.
  • Tyerjon took the party to the Astralseeker’s Closet, where the party took a long time to ask many questions
  • Tyerjon went to the library, and refused to pay the professor of languages 50 gold to identify the runes on his sword
  • Murica stopped by Eylsevattre, purchased a grand “sexy” dress
  • Journey and Wander dropped by a jeweler’s to identify random gems they had
  • The group made their way to the Fectern Temple to talk to the Bottle Demon
    • The group eventually made their way past Father Falis, who was quite intent on praying with the group
    • In the ritual room, the Bottle Demon sat inside a ritual circle, with various exhausted priests scattered around
    • The demon attempted to convince the group to free him, but to no avail
    • Grognock entered the barracks of the temple and woke Father Syllis, very briefly talked to him, learned almost nothing new, and then tucked him back into bed
      • Syllis was exhausted, distant, and pale
  • The group decided to stay at the Bundely Inn, just a bit outside the gates of town.
    • On the way, Phaelnah successfully fought off the Nightblight.

Endelshine 9th, 951

  • Tyerjon suddenly remembered with no prompting or issue that he had a religious symbol given to him by Pelwey, which Wander identified as a Symbol of Ezan.
    • Additionally, Tyerjon had Wander identify his sword, learning its name, Frosthold.
    • Wander identified the cleaver from the orc in the forest as the Orc Ham Razor.
  • The party met the caravan outside the northeast gate of Hymathel, and the group began their journey to Peralas
  • The sunny day was blotted out by a localized storm, and a large, bald man beckoned Leadbelly into battle.