1. Timelines

Pre-Campaign Events


Before Freeze (BF) -5,000 — 0

The time before the World was hit with an endless freeze, making much of the northern lands uninhabitable to all but the most hardy. 

  • Ten years before the world froze Plainspire (Eastspire) was destroyed by Xiammantoneldrym, they had huge increase of dragon sightings 30 – 40 years beforehand. 

  • Farvir tells us a story about the kingdom of the Tiger vs. the Kingdom of the Sun.  Kingdom of the Sun summoned Demons to fight Kingdom of the Tiger.  They fought 60 days and 60 nights (Warriors of the Tiger can now operate without food, drink, sleep for a long time).  The Tiger was triumphant.  Kingdom of the Sun fell, and was absorbed by the Tiger.

After Freeze (AF) > 0