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General Description
The Fae are one of the oldest races on Orth, and their culture is second in age only to the Trolls. These miniscule humanoids have pale green skin, antennae and insect-like wings, though between the two subraces these vary slightly. Both subraces also have distinctive amber eyes, the irises of which have an almost glittery quality. Their wings can be regrown by a process of cocooning over the course of about 8 hours if removed, although the process is very painful for the individual going through it and rather grotesque and disturbing for anyone watching. 
Natural Magic Users
Tiny, charismatic and gifted with the ability to use magic from birth, the Fae are far more powerful than their size suggests. The ubiquitous nature of magic to them has heavily influenced their culture and lifestyle in a way that it hasn’t for fellow natural mages the Elves as it allows these miniscule creatures to interact far better with their far larger fellow residents of the world, with the entire race having the abilities to alter the size of objects in order to better function in the world around them. They can also turn invisible at will, which was presumably originally a defence mechanism but nowadays is used for a variety of other purposes. However, their immense magical power has downsides, as it can lead to the development of a disorder known as Redcap.
Their language, Sylvan, is unchanged from ancient times, and is the etymological origin of the Elvish and Giant languages, hence the distinct similarities between the three. It is possible to hold a conversation between two speakers of any of these three languages, though it is not a perfect 1:1 match due to differences in exact meaning, syntax, the divergence of the two child languages over the millennia and so on.
One with Nature
Their innate connection to Leannan, far stronger than that of fellow High Folk races as they were directly spawned from fragments of Herne's antlers, also gives them an affinity with nature which borders on the supernatural. Many Fae can understand the body language of animals, read the wind to predict the weather, instinctively know their way through forests, and any number of other abilities as well as natural skill at the sciences of herbology and natural medicine. As such, the vast majority of Fae worship the Lady of Spring, which has also had a vast influence on their culture. The Fae’s way of worship is highly Druidic, focusing on stone circles as temples to Leànnan, singing, dancing, and conducting all religious ceremonies in the nude. 
The entire of Fae culture is very much clothing optional - their society leans heavily towards naturism and views the body as a sacred part of nature, not something shameful, and one’s sexuality as something to be embraced as a part of who you are and to be proud to somewhat express (within reason, obviously, as even in the Fae culture there is a difference between open expression and public indecency; on top of this, Fae living in some areas will likely still wear clothing most of the time to avoid offending people or disobeying local laws, however many laws in the Empire have been adjusted to accommodate this cultural note). All Fae are pansexual to some degree (this is due to both cultural reasons and the anatomy of their species being directly derived from the blood of Leannan) and polyamory is culturally accepted as well though not universally practiced, and it is this “free love” mentality and atmosphere of encouraging self-discovery that is probably the most infamous thing about the race alongside their unabashed acceptance of recreational drug use, as the usual racist stereotype of the Fae is that the entire race are sex addicted hedonists.
Drug Culture
Speaking of their drug use, nearly all of their religious ceremonies make use of moonweed, a flower native to the Faerie Isle with vibrant purple flowers and wide leaves. The plant’s leaves are baked into a fibrous powder and then smoked, which produces a powerful hallucinogenic effect. This, combined with the Fae’s natural affinity for nature and immense magical potential, can give them powerful visions which can provide insight to them or even give them a brief glimpse into the future on rare occasions. More potent drugs like Spore however are still highly frowned upon due to their immensely negative and often actively dangerous side effects. 
Weakness to Iron
Due to the metal’s magic-resistant properties, iron can be toxic to Fae - though notably only if it’s pure and only if they are slashed or pierced with it.
The Fae’s miniscule size has both advantages and disadvantages. They are proportionately far stronger than their size would suggest, in the same way that ants are far stronger than their size, and they are phenomenally fast in the air and incredibly hard to hit. However, if they do get hit it will do much more damage due to it having much more impact on their tiny frame, and while they are immune to most poisons the effects of alcohol are noticeably more rapid to take hold to them - not that it matters to the Fae, with their culture being the way it is. Their size also makes them reliant on their flight and their magic for a great deal of things, and nullifying either or both is crippling to them.

Character Creation Stat Block

+2 Cha, -1 Con

Default Languages: Sylvan, Elven (Imperial dialect), Common

Tiny: +2 AC, -8 to Special Attacks, +8 to Hide, ½ Carrying Capacity

Fae Wings: You have a 40ft flying speed and a 10ft walking speed. If your wings are damaged or destroyed, they regrow after a long rest. You cannot fly while wearing Medium or Heavy armour. When you take damage while flying, make a Constitution save with a DC equal to 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is higher. If you fail the saving throw, you fall to the ground. 

Fae Biology: You get a Saving Throw against being Charmed and are immune to being rendered Asleep by magical means.

Ferrous Allergy: You have vulnerability to Slashing and Piercing damage caused by pure iron weapons.

One with Nature: You have Proficiency in Nature checks and can cast the Druidcraft cantrip. Your Casting Attribute for this is Cha.

Speak with Small Beasts: Through sound and gestures, you may communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts.

Fade Away: Because of their connection to the Seelie Court, Fae can naturally disappear in to their surroundings. You can turn invisible as if you had cast the Invisibility spell on yourself. You can do this 2 times, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. This is neither a spell nor a magical effect that can be dispelled. The effect ends if you take or inflict damage; you can also choose to end the effect early at any point during the effect’s duration if you so wish.

Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

SUB-RACES: Faerie, Pixie, Sprite. Choose one.