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  1. Quests

JF13. Shrine Infiltration


The Jade Foxes were hired by the Dark Lanterns to rescue Palavan, who had been captured during an investigation at the Achean Shrine, a ruined temple of The Raven Queen that had been converted into a watchtower for a local lord.  They were also informed that there were some smuggler tunnels underneath the temple; the former priests had a reputation for selling bootlegged potions to the nearby villages.

Making their way into the tunnel, the Jade Foxes soon found themselves in a long corridor with spinning blades, the floor moving up to hit the ceiling, and at the end a Rune of Warding that would send them back into the hazards.  Most of the party charged through, but Canton Busby transformed into gaseous form and slowly made his way down the corridor.  Sarran and Kriv were able to bash their way through the door at the other end, and find the off-switch to the mechanism. 

Continuing on, the Jade Foxes found a stash of potions, but their progress was blocked by a strange shimmering wall of green energy.  Inscribed over it were the words 'To pass on in peace, you must accept the mistakes that you have made on the path.  Regret is a weight that cannot be carried into the next realm'.  The Jade Foxes spent some time figuring it out but eventually realised that they must each confess a secret in order to proceed.  Canton Busby went first, by admitting his feelings for Felicia d'Cannith; as soon as he said this out loud, a green tendril of energy reached out and pulled him through to the next chamber.  Kraxor Tyraneroth admitted that he had not been keeping to his Path of Waves beliefs; Sarran that he had not been following his god, and Kriv that he had run away from war and made a pact with a demon.  These admissions pulled each of them in turn through to the waiting Canton Busby.

The next chamber was open to the sky, and contained the nest of a phoenix.  The Jade Foxes disturbed the bird, and had to fight it off in order to fulfill their mission.  They eventually made their way to a small pool of water, that was obviously the bottom of a well that could be seen above.  Canton Busby used magic to make himself fly up and out; making his way through the ruins of the temple, he found the place where the prisoners were kept.  Unfortunately there were three kept there, and they had been given no details on their target to identify him.  Canton Busby spoke to a creepy elven girl, and gruff dwarven male and a grim human male.  Identifying the latter as Palavan, Canton Busby attempted to free him but was interrupted by the dwarf - who threatened to make a noise if he were not also released.  Canton Busby agreed, but on release the dwarf immediately fled and was spotted by the guards.  In the ensuing chaos, Canton Busby and Palavan were able to get back to the well and rejoin the Jade Foxes, before retracing their steps to safety.