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  1. Quests

JF12. Attempt On The King


Still pursuing Masque, the Jade Foxes followed the information they obtained at The Burning Tree (JF11. Finding The Burning Tree).  Wyzim had mentioned in passing that Masque could be found on the airship Maker's Destiny.  Making their way to the Lyrandar Tower in the upper levels of Sharn, the Jade Foxes attempted to find were the Maker's Destiny was docked.  Headling into the local Customs & Excises Office, Rahl Morninglow charmed the record keeper behind the desk to give them the docking location of the Maker's Destiny.  They are told that it is at docking port 23.

Heading to the docking port, the Jade Foxes found the area is under guard.  They started a fire in a nearby warehouse that contained several crates of lyrium, and in the ensuing chaos were able to clamber over the wall onto an overhead crane.  This gave them a view of the Maker's Destiny, and were able to see Masque, Wyzim and Elias d'Cannith deep in conversation at the rear of the ship.  The Jade Foxes gingerly made their way down to the deck level, and attempted to make their way on board. Sarran attempted to jump on board, but miss-stepped and nearly fell to his death; he was only saved through a quick casting of Spiritual Weapon to give him something to grab onto.  Canton Busby disguised himself and walked up the gang-plank amongst the crew, while the rest of the party were able to make the jump that Sarran had failed.

The Jade Foxes reconvened in an empty cabin, and discussed their options.  Canton Busby went for a short scout, and struck up a conversation with a deck-hand, but wasn't able to obtain any useful information.  A few hours into the voyage, they overheard a commotion.  Heading up onto the deck, they saw Masque and an unknown warforged jump off the side of the airship, and feather-fall into the forest below.  The Jade Foxes jumped after their target, but landed a short distance away. 

Closing the ground to where they thought Masque landed, they found a small campsite.  One of the tents was surrounded in a protective bubble, that the warforged was attempting to destroy.  Charging into the fray, the Jade Foxes were able to eliminate Masque and the warforged.  When the battle was over, the bubble dropped and the occupants were revealed as King Boranel ir'Wynarn and his entourage, on his way to a secret rendezvous with Aundarian trade negotiators - using the documents that the Jade Foxes had obtained in the Kundarak bank (JF07. Under The Bank,  JF08. Into The Vault).  Sarran removed Masque's mask, but did not recognise the features that were revealed.