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Goddess of the Sun

"Blessed we are on this day by Alissa's light
Guided by the shining sun's eternal might,
To bring comfort and radiance against her sister's evil night
To ward against the darkness and it's numerous frights"

- Alissan Battle Hymn, composed ca. 423 C.F. by Unknown

Alissa the Lady of Radiance, also known as the Life Giver, the Eternal Light, and the Dawn Maiden, Alissa is the goddess of the sun, light, and life. Her vital, life-giving blessing that is Aranor's sun is an unmistakable reminder of her presence and is believed to be the seat of her domain, the Plane of Life (known also as the Positive Energy Plane). 


Alissa's birth is believed to precede the creation of Aranor and it is widely preached within the canon of her faith that it was she who first breathed life into the world of Aranor and by the light of her sun it is sustained. Off-set by her sister Lunissa, alternatively regarded as her bitter enemy and opposition of the life she created or her complementary second half that ensures life and death can live on in balance in their world, the rivalry between the two faiths have nevertheless perpetuated possibly since their inception. Nevertheless, the constant presence of her sun above the world and it's nourishing light she retains the widest worship out of all the gods of Aranor and is known by hundreds if not thousands of names attributed to her in every corner of Aranor.   


While Alissa typically is depicted as a female human or elf, almost exclusively hauntingly beautiful to look upon, those who have claimed to communed with the Lady of Radiance directly claim that while she is humanoid and distinctly feminine, her form is composed of pure sunlight and radiance that defies mortal characteristics. She is described as proud, wise, and benevolent, intent on the preservation and prosperity of all life, but also imperious and demanding, willing to direct her servants to the use of force against what she considers the enemies of the greater good. As keeper of the plane of positive energy, her sheer presence is enough to heal ailments and wounds, and her practitioners are known as the most powerful healers in all of Aranor as a result. Out of all the deities, great or otherwise, she is among the most discerning in her servants, though many draw her favour with their faith only a few receive her personal attention. 


The faith of Alissa is largely overseen by the Radiant Church of Safira, originating back to the Sunstone Cathedral of the great city where the grand hierophant is considered the head of religion. Alissan temples tend to be large and ornate with many open windows to welcome the sun's light as houses of healing and comfort for the masses, whose clergy ranges from humble priests to militant clerics opposing the darkness of the world. She is the most widely worshipped by humans but many races across Aranor worship her, a popular deity among many druidic circles with their own sects while the elves widely worship her and Lunissa as a dual entity called Nal'assinu. Besides healing and spiritual guidance, Alissan priests and clerics frequently partake in political matters wielding the influence of the Radiant Church, some of whom form a stereotype as an increasingly overbearing and zealous organization in the furtherance of it's values upon the common folk. The summer solstice is the most important holiday in the Alissan faith.

The most common symbol of Alissa is a rayed sun and her favoured weapon is the flanged mace, often stylized to resemble a sun's rays by her mortal servants. Common domains of divinity attributed to Alissa are Life, Light, and Nature.