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Born in the east his family was never financially stable. A gifted student he started as a Sellsword and sailor, but he got bored and became a Portsman. His skin has the orange glow of too much sun. This younger middle-aged man wears a shirt and pants that are bristling with pockets overflowing with maps, compasses, and other navigational equipment.

There's more than meets the eye in the case of Darkul Copperhearth, but at the very least he's disciplined and clear-headed. Of course he's also sweet, leaderly and friendly, but they're less prominent and often intertwined with being hostile as well.

His discipline though is what he's pretty much known for. Friends usually count on this and his farsightedness when they're in need of support. He is a jovial happy person, but he is convinced people are living their lives too quickly. He keeps company with all sorts of races to see how they think and challenge minds foreign to his own.

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A castle on a wind-swept cliff, overlooking a verdant, bone-strewn valley where an ancient battle took place. Set against the seaside, an open-air ivory-columned temple spreads its arms wide to welcome in the elements. At a dusty crossroads, a lone trading post invites all travelers, especially those with purses filled with gold, or lips laden with rumors.

As storied as these locations may be, they were all founded at one point by historical figures. Bold, noteworthy folk of many walks of life, who invested coin and manpower into building these landmarks for purposes inscrutable, either lost to the passage of time or handed down in song and story between the generations. Immortality is available to all adventurers with sufficient coin, should they wish to build it.

Players often wish to leave their mark on the world, to establish something grand that can survive their characters and change the world around them, making it altogether better, worse, or simply different for its presence. Structures that are created by the characters are an excellent opportunity for roleplaying, quests, and story, being an instantly visible and prominent part of the world to those in regions nearby.

A structure included in a game is typically both a focal point of the campaign and an investment opportunity for the player characters. The more gold and time characters spend expanding, improving, and staffing their structure, the more benefits, defense, and utility it provides. A well-governed structure can act as a military bastion, a powerful trading hub, or the spiritual center of a faith, and those that control the structure may stand as the stewards of the fates of millions.

When all is said and done, you need to determine the amount of income you gained.

Step 1. Roll for all incomes. The total is known as gross profit. If the DM wills, they can let you take 5 on any d10 rolls.

Step 2. Add up all expenses, such as upkeep or misfortunes.

Step 3. Take your gross profit and subtract your expenses. The remaining amount is known as net profit.

Step 4. Pay taxes. Each settlement is different (check with your DM), but typically the rate is 20%. You pay 20% of your net profits to the crown and keep 80%. You can always attempt to ‘fudge’ your books to pay less taxes using the levying influence option.

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