Directions: South of the Spine of the World
Government Type:
Geniocracy or Technocracy
Ruler: Elected Council

Rumour has it this City-state has allied with an ancient dragon. Some say it was even resurrected, some say it is a Shadow Dragon from deep below the earth.

Nearby Geography

The Spine of the World mountain range heads east and west of Norrimar.

The mountains listed from west to east:

  • Trihorn Mt
  • Twin Peaks
  • Grimtooth Mt
  • Rainwall Mt
    • To the west is a pass either called Weather’s Mercy or Orcrun Pass
  • Wetrun Mt
    • Has a path that climbs up and down the mountain. Treacherous weather often hits but shorter distance than the western pass makes it an appealing option. Especially if there are orcs or the like nearby.
  • Dullpeak Mt
  • Shieldmount
  • Razorpeaks
