Aavoch is the capital of the Champâtre province and is the most populous city in Frynia. Is is located at the end of the Randèche river and by the Aavoch Estuary. It is the only city in Frynia to accept other races, on the condition that they are on diplomatic missions.

Boats approaching the city are stopped by patrols and searched and the occupants questioned. Once at the port, this process repeats before visitors can set foot on land, at which point they will see the Council of Security and Prosperity that will determine how long visitors can stay, and levy a fine of 10 to 200 gold per day per person, depending on the reason of visit and race.


The city isn't actually one big city but a dozen smaller cities all well connected.

  • Quais d'or: The port connects Aavoch to the outside world, and is the only warden where outsiders can walk more or less freely. It is also the most heavily guarded sector of the city, and fully walled.
  • Mont Gardien: Located on a hill at the center of the Aavoch region, this is where most of the administration and Runekeepers live and work.
  • Port D'Arsy: Secondary port for transport and cargo that stays in Frynia.
  • Ouchen: craftsmen
  • Rirondin: art, litterature
  • Beau Sourir: slums
  • Fort Frangin: military