1. Journals

AC 00 - Ratyn - The Pilgrim

Auburn Crown 2021-12-17

Session 0 for Ratyn


Start in a daydream, a flashback Ratyn playing in the woods as a child and hide and seek. Her, Iagan Crannach and a few other kids. Roll a D6 to see if you are hiding or seeking (1: seek, anything else, hide, or choose to seek).

  • If seeking: find the kids pretty easily
  • If hiding: choose a hiding spot, and won't be found. After 30 minutes, the seeker (Iagan) and the other kids give up. Shout "Ratyn come out, you won, again". As she steps out of her hiding, her father's voice in the distance, drunk: "Ratyn! Come home you good for nothing piece of shit!"

Wake up from the sound of a fire log breaking. First of Muvay. Rained all week (rain season started early). She's outside, on the Bister Estate, keeping watch, sheltered from the rain.

Leopoldas Rumbutis is leaving with his family (wife, 3 songs, 1 daughter), and gives Ratyn 10GP for the next few week's work.

Next day, at the market buying a warmer cloak. Harris Yorehil and two of his goones approach her. Brummie accent

  • "Oi Ratyn, always nice for our paths to cross. I heard the old fool Rumbutis is out of town again. If you're bored of hunting rats, I have more work for you. A bounty on a Wight our in the swamps. Think about it wink, but not too long. It's good money."

Margaret Cotton comes up "what a rotten person that Harris. He tried to court me back when we were young, with that same sleezy wink. Urgh. Here, take this bread dear." "I have a small favour to ask you dear. My doctor prescribed me a remedy for my ailment, but he's out of the herbs. Could you fetch me some? It's called yarrow, it's white and you should find some south of Tilley in the hills. I'd be every so thankful."

Travel by horse, slight respite from the rain. Find some hill goats eating the plants. Make it up to Ratyn if she kills the animal or leaves it alive to set some moral boundaries. She could kill one, scare the others, and sell the meat on the market for an extra coin.

Margaret is every so thankful, gives her an unbreakable arrow. "This can penetrate any magical shield"

Next evening, keeping watch.

Some kids from the Orphanage where Christopher grew up are trying to break into the estate based on a dare from some older kids. She can decide what to do with them.