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  1. Organizations

The Lamplighters Guild

One of the oldest and most established thieves guilds within the Kingdom of Kel. Most all Cities, Towns, and Villages have a lamplighters guild, though unbeknownst to most patrons to said settlements is that the lamplighters guild is more than meets the eye.   Sure some work the streets of many settlements walking on stilts and lighting street lamps for most of their lives without knowing a thing about the underground thieving network. Others are indoctrinated within a matter of months, still others are outright sought out to be a part of "Ye Olde Lamplighters Guild". The guild is very secretive, reclusive, and tell no one of their existence, those that do often find themselves at the bottom of Banshee Bay.   There are two statutes of the thieving ring known as the the Lamplighters guild.   1. We have highly trained assassins, speak of the guild and pay with your life. 2. If you think you can get away with speaking of the guild, refer to rule number one.

All characters that are members of this organization.