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Visia was one of the major powers within The Five Realms and is now a part of the Mironian Empire. Where once factions warred constantly, and slavery was rife throughout the country, Mironian rule has put an end to both for the time being. Whilst Emperor Alistair Sonnique rules Visia from afar, Viceroy Maverick was appointed by him to manage day to day rule. Visia is a land still adjusting to a new regime where many of those who were once slaves are now free citizens, with those who remain as slaves supposedly having chosen to do so.



Visia is an island found west of Mironia and south of Harl. The country's land is mostly comprised of savannahs and dusty plains. Though mostly flat, Visia has a couple of small mountain ranges near its coasts, Kethit to the south-west, Portik to the south-east, and Orkar to the north-east. Visia has no large rivers and a subtropical climate with almost all of the year's rain falling within a couple of weeks. Beasts and monsters native to desert, grassland, mountain, and coastal habitats can be found in various places throughout Visia.

Major Cities

The Capital City of Visia (Capital) is the largest city in Visia by a considerable margin and is a hub of trade with Visia's other port cities. Other major cities include Amastra, Nymras, Kethitar, and Siador.


Visia has a majority Orc, half-orc, and human population, with a mixture of every other humanoid race spread throughout Visia due to the slavery of those races until Mironia's rule began. Most of the Mironians who have now made Visia their home are a part of the Mironian military, or are settled in the capital to aid Viceroy Maverick in his rule.

Life in Visia

Whether Arimorean by birth or not, life in Arimore is governed by paperwork, licenses and guilds. Every person within Arimore is mandated to carry their ID and licenses at all times. The Arimorean Guilds too are an integral part of life throughout Arimore, though membership of a Guild is not necessary to live in Arimore, it is almost unheard of not to be a part of at least one Guild as any given trade/profitable activity is strictly regulated by the associated Guild and membership is required to partake in them. Those who cannot afford to pay the Guild membership fees outright may work to pay off that fee, as well as any fees incurred as part of guild training, and the 'free' food and board provided.

Due to most crime being legal, many people take out insurance with the associated crime guilds for protection purposes. For example, one may take out some level of Thieves Guild insurance so that they may reclaim a certain amount of stolen goods, their ownership of which is proven with the receipt thieves legally must leave behind.

Sharing wild theories of Lady V's identity is somewhat of a national pastime, and though complaining about paperwork is common, most people, begrudgingly or not, admit that the system works, and will loudly declare Lady V's benevolence should they happen to complain a little too much.


Arimore is now ruled by Benevolent Dictatorship, with the position currently held by Lady V. Little is known about Lady V, and very few even claim to have seen her. This along with the mystery surrounding her coming to power have led to wild speculation as to her identity, or indeed identities, with popular theories including that she is a council of people, isn't humanoid, or is immortal in some way. Whilst a few noble houses still remain within Arimore, they hold no real power beyond their wealth, with their titles affording them little influence in modern Arimore.


Arimore is renowned throughout The Five Realms for its unique legal system founded by Lord Grigori Vitali whereby almost all activities are deemed legal, providing that you have the relevant and approved licenses, guild memberships (see The Arimorean Guilds), and paperwork. The extent of this, and in particular the requirement for Magic licenses, has been expanded in recent years by Lady V's rule.

As such, within Arimore, theft is entirely legal, providing you are a member of the Thieves Guild, have a thievery license, and abide by the Guild laws - notably involving leaving a receipt for all items stolen. Though Guilds of all types and areas also exist, and associated activities with those guilds require their membership and licenses. Likewise murder paperwork may requested, filed, paid for, and approved should someone wish to kill another theirself, or may pay the Guild of Assassins to do it for them. This is particularly welcomed by worshippers of the God Sicarius, whose worship is also uniquely legal within Arimore.

Those found to have broken the law are dealt with severely. Guilds are to a point self-regulating and have the right to enact their own punishments, within strict guidelines and with all the necessary paperwork completed, upon those they can prove, before the Guild of Judges, have committed associated crimes. The Guild of Sign Makers is rumoured to hang offenders above their doorway as a sign to others to remember that only official Sign Makers signs are permitted throughout Arimore. In addition, there is Guild of Guards who polices Arimore in general and deals with any crimes against the city, and matters that fall outside of Guild law.

In addition, Lady V is rumoured to have spies everywhere and it is thought that nothing goes on in Arimore without her knowing. As such, and with the entirely legal ways to commit most crimes, very little illegal crime is actually ever committed.


It is thought that people have called the lands of Arimore their home since the Beginning. Whilst Arimore is now home to people of all ancestries, it is thought that originally the mainland forests were prodominantly home to Humans and Tabaxi, its mountain ranges populated by Aarakocra, Dwarves and Goliaths, with the islands of Harl and Drachonis populated by Dragonborns, Lizardfolk, and Loxodon.

Over time these settlements expanded into city-states and later kingdoms, with the Kingdom of Arimore slowly conquering the mainland from the west to the east over the centuries. The Kingdom's loyalties fractured in 3215BA when the then Princess Katraine Rivvermont declared the lands she had conquered would become their own independent Kingdom of Ri'En, resulting in a five year war which Arimore ultimately lost.

During the Kingdom of Arimore's reign, many Tieflings on the mainland were transported to a colony in Harl, a practice which ended after the Goddess Inferis formally pardoned Tieflings in 3215BA. Harl was later conquered in 3145BA, with Drachonis becoming a part of unified Arimore in 1425BA.

The Arimorean Civil War broke out in 89BA, with the resistance ultimately killing the Arimorean royalists after a bloody eight year war in 81BA. The yeuar that followed was a tumultous year for Arimore, with the resistance leaders slowly dying or pledging their allegiance to Lord Ferrand Vitali, who formally became Arimore's first Benevolent Dictator in 80BA. It is rumoured that his son, Lord Grigori Vitali, was responsible for his untimely death in 61BA and that with his death came the beginning of Guilds and paperwork that are intrisically associated with Arimore today.

Arimore's current Benevolent Dictator, Lady V came into power in 12BA, following a string of unfortunate accidental deaths of various members of nobility that ended with Lord Grigori Vitali’s death. Since coming into power, Arimore’s need for licenses and guilds has only increased, including the introduction of a magic license following an infamous incident in Eribourne.

In 1BA, the then Visia Empire suddenly invaded Harl with an army of undying warriors, quickly taking it, as well as Drachonis and the towns north of the mountains on the Arimorean Mainland. Arimore regained control of its territories and the war ended on the 4th Morndus of Mistfel 1BA when the invading undying army was destroyed with Emperor Malik's death.


Arimore has an amicable relationship with the other Realms with no large ongoing tensions. Despite their distance, Mironia is considered their closest ally, thanks largely to Arimore's Guilds and Mironia's Alysium's Academy of the Arcane. Since Mironia conquered Visia relations have improved there too, whilst in recent years following the Visian Invasion they were previously strained.

Relations with Ri'En are generally amicable, though the closeness of the neighbouring realms was weakened by the death and relegation of the Arimorean noble houses, trade is still strong between the two.

Relations between Arimore and Quell have greatly improved in recent years, following Lord Astor Harana's ambassadorial visits and their subsequent coming into power.