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whimsicmimic 2 weeks ago
whimsicmimic 2 weeks ago
whimsicmimic 2 weeks ago
whimsicmimic 2 weeks ago
whimsicmimic 2 weeks ago
whimsicmimic 2 weeks ago
whimsicmimic 2 weeks ago
hollisticreaper 3 weeks ago
hollisticreaper 1 month ago
hollisticreaper 1 month ago

The Stars

Hralystr is found in a ribbon of stars in the nighttime sky. He is everything, the origin from which the world and life itself was born. From his own body, Hralystr crafted the draconic gods and tasked them with the creation of their kin. As the absolute, Hralystr is worshipped by all who follow the draconic pantheon, given thanks and honor for his role as their god. Only his mother, Rythja, can be considered older and greater than he.

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