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  1. Events

Owlspring Festival


The Owlspring Festival is a feasting festival held on the last full Elevara moon of Ulkatel, on the 26th using the Iron Calendar. It was originally a day of celebration mandated by the duke of the Atherdale in 756 IaC to commemorate the joining of various rivers near the base of the Dancing Peaks, which was named the Owlknot River. The festival eventually evolved into a local spring festival of sorts, and as the river was widened and turned into a large-flowing body that provided for the entire region, the festival continued to grow in size and scope.

Every year, most communities in Atherdale will celebrate the festival in some way, usually using the holiday to celebrate any good fortune and prosperity they experienced over the year. Local legends have popped up stating that if you spot a white owl on the night of the festival, you'll soon experience good fortune, and if you spot a black owl, your luck will turn bad. Some communities will create owl costumes to entertain the children.

It is said that the name of the river came from an offhand remark the duck said about the rivers looking like knotted owl's feet.