1PdEbUhE0Yo2NeOGLjowyZ0y8jR658wRGBeNBEJ85ed0779f9a526.jpegWelcome! This D&D 5e campaign uses the Humblewood setting produced by Hit Point Press.  Some entries or categories may have very little information (like Deities).  This is out of respect of Hit Point Press, not wanting post their work openly, details are private and only available to members of the campaign.

The original campaign (Humblewood: Partisans) follows five heroes who became part of The Resistance after Humblewood was invaded by gnolls.

If you just want to read through the campaign, you can go to The Story timeline. Or, just click through and take a look around.

Originally I was going to run another Humblewood campaign in early 2024, but it got bumped and I'm running a Dungeons of Drakkenheim instead.  I hope to run something in Humblewood in the future.

Thanks for checking this out.  If you want to get in touch you can DM me on the Kanka Discord.


Dúne's family has lived in Meadowfen for many generations.  Together, they run a guide business that travels all over Humblewood.  

No stranger to the outdoors, Dúne is a skilled ranger and quite deadly with a bow when he needs to be.

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A worshiper Tyton the night father. Amichai's parents worked the slime caves in the Mokkden Caverns. They were hardworking and wanted a better life for Amichai.

One day, while at worship service for Tyton the night father after the accidental death of Amichai's uncle, the couple met a Gallus named Conicus who had connections with the church of Tyton.

Conicus was able to secure Amichai into the tutelage of the night priests, and after a decade of studies, Amichai was finally allowed to teach the word of Tyton without supervision.

Amichai traveled the wood, spreading the word of the night. But he knew that the folk who needed the most guidance were the adventurers of the wood. Inspired by his new calling, Amichai traveled to Meadowfen for the annual festival in hopes of meeting adventurers who he could help with his lord's teachings.

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A gallus bard, she plays the bagpipes quite well, which isn't quite good enough for most birdfolk and humblefolk.  Not close up anyway.

A warm-hearted mother of 34 children, Adina loves to peck around the fields and cluck loudly as she does it. Her neighbors enjoy her clucking and flapping, and all the roosters admire her for her beautiful blonde feathers - but she's taken! One of her children went missing one day, and she's trying to find a group of adventurers who will help her find her child, "Nugget". Chicken Nugget.

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Snow is a dedicated Paladin of Ardea who also dabbles in a bit of sorcery.  Combining the two skills made him quite formidable in battle.

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A monk who has been blessed by Hath. 

One night I was traveling through the forest at night and had an eerie feeling I was being watched.  I began looking for offerings to Hath in exchange for a safe passage when I was set upon by beasts.  

Nearly dead from my wounds, I heard the whisper of Hath who empowered my staff to beat away the beasts and then guided me to safety.

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