Motif: Fear is the mind-killer.

The carnyx is the mouthpiece of the Gods, a great
bronze trumpet that curves upward into the sky, its head
molded like that of a boar, snake, or other terrible creature.
This horn sends spineless foes scattering in animal terror,
its cry a basso nightmare. Modern iterations of it turn up
here and there, too; one child of Taranis drives around in a
car covered in bestial decals with a massive relic subwoofer, clearing streets wherever he goes.

Boon: The Scion can use the Irresistible Impulse Boon
(Scion: Hero, p. 257), as though he had the Passion (Fear)
Purview. He can spend the Boon’s Legend cost instead of
imbuing it to affect as many characters as she wants within
close range of the original target.

Flaws: Whatever form it takes, the carnyx is bulky and
requires both hands to use. If it’s installed in a larger object,
such as a vehicle, it imposes a rank 1 Complication to use
that object.