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  1. Notes



The Emerald City is an independent LARP based in Sydney. This page lists information about the organisation structure, as well as details of administration, financing, complaints, and accountability.


Director: Angelus M

email: [email protected]

The Director is responsible for overseeing the flow, plot, and machinations of the Chronicle. 

Assistant Directors (story): Keith DF, Raymond B, Symon G

The Assistant Directors of story have permission to step in and oversee various scenes. They will facilitate narration, and Actor interaction. 

Assistant Directors (scribe): Xander L

The Assistant Directors of story have oversight over all external documents that support the game. This includes character sheets, and entities on the Kanka platform.

Producer: Keiran S

email: [email protected]

The Producer is responsible for all material aspects that go into supporting the venue and putting the events into place. 

Assistant Producers (finance): Francine D

The Assistant Producers of finance are responsible for all cash handling and accounting of moneys given to The Emerald City Chronicle. 

Assistant Producers (media): ?

The Assistant Producers of media are responsible for overseeing all aspects of photography, printing, and other forms of recording and documenting the Chronicle.


The Director embodies the Wyrd: they are the final word on story and fairness.

The Systems in place are designed to allow Actors a lot of latitude in negotiating and resolving scenes among themselves. However, should you require the oversight of a Director, their word is law. 

On occasion The Director may come to you as an Actor and offer you direction. You can refuse direction, or you can accept direction. 


If you have cause to complain about the conduct of a current member of the Chronicle, you should address it to the production chain. Specifically both Keiran S and Francine D should be contracted in case of complaints.