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Other Names

Dream Haar


Not uncommon


A tree bearing beautiful snow-white blooms in the spring and small pears later in the year. Most populous in the Broadfjord region of the east Hinterlands but can be found elsewhere. 


If simultaneous exposure occurs, its toxic effects and the Eat-Anything’s cancel each other out.


The signature blooms exude a malodorous mist that can cause dizziness, hallucinations, and varying degrees of amnesia if inhaled for extended periods.

Medicinal Uses

When condensed, carefully combined with an extraction of Nott's Bow, and ingested orally, the mist provides a calming effect. Improper use will cause the previously mentioned effects instead, typically at a lower severity.

Culinary Uses

The pears are edible and used in a variety of dishes.

Practical Uses

A popular crafting wood, if not particularly sturdy.

Other Uses

Cultivated as much for their appearance as their fruit. Typically planted a fair distance from any homes.

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Duncan is the de facto mayor of Mossgrove, but doesn't consider himself well-suited to the role. Better him than someone who doesn't know the land, though. Lucya is his pride and joy, but he does wish she would settle down someplace safe rather than go adventuring off across the country where the monsters and raiders can get her. Beautiful bass voice, but it's been a long time since anyone's heard him sing.

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A sketchy little swamp town near the edge of the Flooded Lands with little to its name but the local tavern and some magic somethings that aren't really powerful enough to warrant much scrutiny. Lucya left for here after swearing her vow to find Brynn and met Jagal, who somewhat inadvertantly roped her into helping find the "lost" scrying guide.

Eleri and Tanvir have had somewhat of a rivalry in their information guarding, with each of them having a different specialty. Tanvir plays dirty and Eleri has had about darn well enough. The book Eleri guards secretly holds the key to something called the Forge of Fates, a strange place that shifts in location and purportedly can only be found by the worthy. They were already well aware of this, but they're not about to tell Tanvir about it.

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