Map Markers

All Map-markers

You can get a list of all the map-markers of a map by using the following endpoint.

{warning} Don't forget that all endpoints documented here need to be prefixed with 1.0/campaigns/{}/.

Method URI Headers
GET/HEAD maps/{}/map_markers Default


    "data": [
            "circle_radius": null,
            "colour": "/api-docs/1.0/map_markers#008000",
            "created_at": "2020-07-25T10:10:30.000000Z",
            "created_by": null,
            "custom_icon": null,
            "custom_shape": "500,500 500,600, 600,600 600,500",
            "entity_id": null,
            "font_colour": null,
            "icon": "1",
            "id": 31,
            "is_draggable": false,
            "is_private": false,
            "is_popupless": false,
            "latitude": "422.857",
            "longitude": "499.000",
            "map_id": 2,
            "name": "Shape",
            "opacity": 100,
            "polygon_style": array,
            "shape_id": 5,
            "size_id": 1,
            "updated_at": "2020-07-25T10:10:30.000000Z",
            "updated_by": null,
            "visibility_id": 1

Create a Map Marker

To create a map marker, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
POST maps/{}/map_markers Default


Parameter Type Detail
name string (Required without entity_id) Name of the map marker
entity_id string (Required without name) Entity linked to the map marker
map_id integer (Required) The parent map
latitude float (Required) Latitude of the marker
longitude float (Required) Longitude of the marker
shape_id int (Required) Shape of the marker (1 for Marker, 2 for Label, 3 for Circle, 4 for Polygon)
icon int (Required) 1 for Marker, 2 for Exclamation, 3 for Interrogation, 4 for Entity
group_id int ID of the marker group
is_draggable boolean If the marker is draggable on the map
is_popupless boolean Disable the marker tooltip popping up on mouse hover
custom_shape string Polygon coordinates
custom_icon string HTML of the custom icon
size_id int 1 to 6 for size (used by circles, 6 being custom)
opacity int 0 to 100 opacity
visibility_id integer The visibility: 1 for all, 2 self, 3 admin, 4 self-admin or 5 members.
colour string Hex colour code with leading #
font_colour string Hex colour code with leading #
circle_radius null or int If the shape_id is 3 (circle) and size_id is 6 (cursom), can provide a custom circle radius size
polygon_style null or array Polygon rendering options include stroke, stroke-width and stroke-opacity


{success} Code 200 with JSON body of the new map.

Update a Map

To update a map, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
PUT/PATCH maps/{}/map_markers/{} Default


The same body parameters are available as for when creating a map.


{success} Code 200 with JSON body of the updated map.

Delete a Map

To delete a map, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
DELETE maps/{}/map_markers/{} Default


{success} Code 200 with JSON.