Entity Links

All Entity Links

You can get a list of all the entity-links of an entity by using the following endpoint.

{warning} Don't forget that all endpoints documented here need to be prefixed with 1.0/campaigns/{campaign.id}/.

Method URI Headers
GET/HEAD entities/{entity.id}/entity_links Default


    "data": [
            "created_at":  "2021-01-30T00:01:44.000000Z",
            "created_by": 1,
            "entity_id": 69,
            "id": 31,
            "visibility_id": 1,
            "name": "DNDbeyond",
            "url": "{url}",
            "icon": "",
            "position": 1,
            "updated_at":  "2021-01-31T13:48:54.000000Z",
            "updated_by": null

Entity Link

To get the details of a single entity-link, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
GET/HEAD entities/{entity.id}/entity_links/{entity_link.id} Default


    "data": {
        "created_at":  "2021-01-30T00:01:44.000000Z",
        "created_by": 1,
        "entity_id": 69,
        "id": 31,
        "visibility_id": 1,
        "name": "DNDbeyond",
        "url": "{url}",
        "icon": "",
        "position": 1,
        "updated_at":  "2021-01-31T13:48:54.000000Z",
        "updated_by": null

Create an Entity Link

To create an entity-link, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
POST entities/{entity.id}/entity_links Default


Parameter Type Detail
name string The name of the link
icon string The icon of the link
url string The url of the link
position int Optional position of the entity link
visibility_id integer The visibility: 1 for all, 2 self, 3 admin, 4 self-admin or 5 members.


{success} Code 200 with JSON body of the new entity-link.

Delete an Entity Link

To delete an entity-link, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
DELETE entities/{entity.id}/entity_links/{entity_link.id} Default


{success} Code 200 with JSON.