Entity Image

To upload or replace an image of an entity, use the following endpoints.

Upload an image

To upload an entity's image to Kanka.

{warning} Don't forget that all endpoints documented here need to be prefixed with 1.0/campaigns/{campaign.id}/.

Method URI Headers
POST entities/{entity.id}/image Default


Parameter Type Detail
image stream Stream to file uploaded to the timeline


curl --location --request POST 'https://api.kanka.io/1.0/campaigns/{campaign.id}/entities/{entity.id}/image' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {bearer-token}' \
--form 'image=@"/path/to/image.png"'


{success} Code 200 with JSON body containing the new path to the image and thumbnail

Remove an image

To remove an entity's image from Kanka.

Method URI Headers
DELETE entities/{entity.id}/image Default


{success} Code 200 with JSON body containing the new path to the image and thumbnail