Entity Assets


This new endpoint and model merges the previous entity files, entity links and entity aliases endpoints and models into a single unit.

Alias unique IDs keep their same IDs in this new endpoint, but files and links all get a new one.

Type IDs

To differenciate between the three types of assets, use the following reference Type Type ID
File 1
Link 2
Alias 3

All Entity Assets

You can get a list of all the assets of an entity by using the following endpoint.

{warning} Don't forget that all endpoints documented here need to be prefixed with 1.0/campaigns/{campaign.id}/.

Method URI Headers
GET/HEAD entities/{entity.id}/entity_assets Default


    "data": [
            "created_at":  "2022-01-30T00:01:44.000000Z",
            "created_by": 1,
            "entity_id": 309,
            "id": 2,
            "is_pinned": false,
            "visibility_id": "1",
            "name": "The BEST",
            "metadata": [],
            "type_id": 3,
            "updated_at":  "2022-01-31T13:48:54.000000Z",
            "updated_by": null

Virtual properties

Assets also contain the following virtual properties provided by the API.

Property Type Value
_file boolean If the asset is of the file type
_link boolean If the asset is of the link type
_alias boolean If the asset is of the alias type
_url null|string If it's a file, the fullpath URL

Entity Asset

To get the details of a single entity-asset, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
GET/HEAD entities/{entity.id}/entity_assets/{entity_asset.id} Default


    "data": {
        "created_at":  "2022-01-30T00:01:44.000000Z",
        "created_by": 1,
        "entity_id": 309,
        "id": 2,
        "is_pinned": false,
        "visibility_id": "1",
        "name": "The BEST",
        "updated_at":  "2022-01-31T13:48:54.000000Z",
        "updated_by": null

Create an Entity Asset

To create an asset, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
POST entities/{entity.id}/entity_assets Default


Parameter Type Detail
name string The name of the asset (max 45)
type_id int (Required) The type of asset being created.
file file The file to be uploaded as an asset, exlcusive and required for file assets (type_id: 1).
visibility_id int The visibility id: 1 all, 2 self, 3 admin, 4 self-admin or 5 members.
metadata array metadata.icon and metadata.url are required for links.
is_pinned bool Controls wether or not an asset is shown and linked to on the pins tab in the overview of the entity, exlcusive to file assets (type_id: 1).


{success} Code 200 with JSON body of the new entity-asset.

Delete an Entity Asset

To delete an entity-asset, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
DELETE entities/{entity.id}/entity_assets/{entity_asset.id} Default


{success} Code 200 with JSON.