

Nearly all models in Kanka are based on the concept of entities. A character is an entity, but because of historical choices, there are two actual models. A character is a singular model and endpoint, and a character has both an id and an entity_id value. The id identifies the character against all other characters, while the entity_id identifies the character against all other entities. This can be confusing at first, but should not be an issue with the help of this documentation.

{warning} Please note that all endpoints documented here need to be prefixed with 1.0/campaigns/{id}. For example, if an endpoint is listed as characters, you should use api.kanka.io/1.0/campaigns/{id}/characters.

Some common entities include:

Common Attributes

Most entities have the following attributes.

Attribute Type Description
id integer The id identifying the object against all other objects of the same type.
name string The name representing the object.
type string The type of entity as a string. (deprecated)
type_id integer The type of entity as an integer.
child_id integer The id identifying the entity against all other entities of the same type (ie unique character id).
image string The local path to the picture of the object.
image_full string The url to the picture of the object.
image_thumb string The url to the thumbnail of the object.
image_uuid uuid The image gallery uuid of the entity (only available for superboosted campaigns)
is_private boolean Determines if the object is only visible by admin members of the campaign.
If the user requesting the API isn't a member of the admin role, such objects won't be returned.
is_template boolean Determines if the object is a template.
is_attributes_private boolean Determines if the entity's attributes are only visible to members of the campaign's admin role.
tags array An array of tags that the object is related to.
created_at object An object representing when the object was created (server time)
created_by integer The users.id who created the object.
updated_at object An object representing when the object was updated (server time)
updated_by integer The users.id who last updated the object.

Entity Types

You can see all entity types and their ID's on the following endpoint: Entity Types

Single Entity

To get the details of a single entity, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
GET/HEAD entities/{entity.id} Default


    "data": {
        "id": 95,
        "name": "Redkeep",
        "type": "location",
        "child_id": 95,
        "tags": [],
        "is_private": false,
        "campaign_id": 1,
        "is_attributes_private": false,
        "tooltip": null,
        "header_image": null,
        "image_uuid": null,
        "created_at": "2017-12-07T14:23:57.000000Z",
        "created_by": null,
        "updated_at": "2017-12-07T14:23:57.000000Z",
        "updated_by": null

The child_id property in this case is the location's id. So if you want to get the whole location based on this entity, call locations/95.

Filtering Entities

You can filter the returned entities on the entities/ endpoint with the following options.

Parameter Values Description
types character,family Filter the returned entities by the type field
name string The name of the entity (like %% search)
is_private bool Search for private entities with is_private=true
is_template bool Search for entities that are set as templates
created_by int User ID of entities created by that user
updated_by int User ID of entities updated by that user
tags array Filter on tags. Ex tags[]=5&tags[]=13

For example, call entities?types=item,quest to get entities of the Item and Quest type.

Related Entities

You can call this endpoint with the ?related option described below to get the entity's related objects. This parameter works for both the entities/ endpoints and the individual "child" endpoints (ie characters/).

There are several models in Kanka which represent objects attached to entities.

With each request to an object (ie. character, location, etc), you can include the following parameter to get those related objects directly.

Parameter Type Description
related integer Set to 1 if you want the entity's related objects


Method URI Headers
GET/HEAD characters?related=1 Default
GET/HEAD characters/1?related=1 Default


    "data": [
            "id": 44,
            "name": "Frejya",
            "entry": "Lorem Ipsum",
            "image": null,
            "image_full": "{url}",
            "image_thumb": "{url}",
            "is_private": false,
            "entity_id": 76,
            "tags": [],
            "created_at":  "2019-01-30T00:01:44.000000Z",
            "created_by": null,
            "updated_at":  "2019-08-29T13:48:54.000000Z",
            "updated_by": null,
            "location_id": 2,
            "attributes": [],
            "posts": [],
            "entity_events": [
                    "created_at":  "2019-01-30T00:01:44.000000Z",
                    "created_by": null,
                    "default_order": null,
                    "entity_id": 76,
                    "id": 22,
                    "is_private": false,
                    "name": null,
                    "type": null,
                    "updated_at":  "2019-08-29T13:48:54.000000Z",
                    "updated_by": null,
                    "value": null
            "entity_files": [],
            "entity_abilities": [],
            "entity_links": [],
            "relations": [],
            "title": null,
            "age": null,
            "sex": null,
            "races": [],
            "type": null,
            "families": [],
            "is_dead": false,
            "traits": []

Notice the new array objects attributes, entity_files, entity_events, posts, entity_abilities and relations.

Create Entities

To create up to 20 entities at once, use the following endpoint.

Method URI Headers
POST entities Default


Parameter Type Detail
entities array (Required) An array containing all the entities
entities.*.name string (Required) Name of the entity
entities.*.module int (Required) Id of the module to which the entity will belong to
entities.*.entry string The html description of the entity.
entities.*.type string Type of the entity
entities.*.tags array An array containing the ids of tags to apply to the entity


    "entities": [
            "name": "Frejya",
            "module": 1,
            "type": "Legendary Warrior",
            "tags": [
            2, 3
            "name": "Frejya's tabern",
            "module": 3,
            "type": "Tabern",
            "entry": "Lorem ipsum"
            "name": "Goblin",
            "module": 20,
            "entry": "Lorem ipsum"


{success} Code 200 with JSON body of the new entities.

Transform Entities

You can post an array with the ids of the entities you want to transform to the /transform endpoint to transform them into a different entity type.

Method URI Headers
POST transform Default
Parameter Type Description
entities array(required) The ids of the entities to transform.
entity_type string(required) The type of entity the entity will be transformed to.


{success} Code 200 with JSON.

Transfer Entities

You can post an array with the ids of the entities you want to transfer to another campaign to the /transfer endpoint to transfer or copy them.

Method URI Headers
POST transfer Default
Parameter Type Description
entities array(required) The ids of the entities to transfer or copy.
campaign_id integer(required) The id of the campaign the entity will be transfered or copied to.
copy boolean True if the entity will be copied, false if the entity will be transfered, defaults to false if left empty


{success} Code 200 with JSON.

Deleted Entities

You can view the recoverable deleted entities on the /recovery endpoint

Method URI Headers
GET/HEAD recovery Default


 "data": [
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Thaelia",
            "type": "location",
            "type_id": 3,
            "child_id": 2,
            "tags": [],
            "is_private": false,
            "is_template": false,
            "campaign_id": 1,
            "is_attributes_private": false,
            "tooltip": null,
            "header_image": null,
            "image_uuid": null,
            "created_at": "2023-08-22T20:01:48.000000Z",
            "created_by": null,
            "updated_at": "2023-08-22T23:19:07.000000Z",
            "updated_by": 1,
            "urls": {
                "view": "http://app.kanka.test:8081/w/1/entities/2",
                "api": "http://api.kanka.test:8081/1.0/campaigns/1/locations/2"
            "id": 23,
            "name": "Middle Earth",
            "type": "location",
            "type_id": 3,
            "child_id": 16,
            "tags": [],
            "is_private": false,
            "is_template": false,
            "campaign_id": 1,
            "is_attributes_private": false,
            "tooltip": null,
            "header_image": null,
            "image_uuid": null,
            "created_at": "2023-08-22T20:22:21.000000Z",
            "created_by": null,
            "updated_at": "2023-08-22T23:19:07.000000Z",
            "updated_by": null,
            "urls": {
                "view": "http://app.kanka.test:8081/w/1/entities/23",
                "api": "http://api.kanka.test:8081/1.0/campaigns/1/locations/16"

Recover Deleted Entities

You can post an array with the ids of the entities you want to recover to the /recover endpoint to undo the deletion (this is a boosted/premium only feature).

Method URI Headers
POST recover Default
Parameter Type Description
entities array The ids of the entities to recover.


{success} Code 200 with JSON.