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The caster uses the ashes of a fallen hero to summon and bind their soul in temporary service. This spell requires the ashes of a deceased sentient character’s body. If the soul of the character is trapped or no longer whole then this spell will fail and use up the MR when cast. If the spell is cast successfully, the caster chooses an empty square within Range 5 to summon the spirit into. The spirit summoned cannot communicate but is loyal to the caster and as a swift action, the caster may give an order to the spirit which it will follow intelligently. The spirit uses the stat of the character the ashes are of but with a level equal to 10 plus casting modifier (to a maximum of level 15) and it lasts for 5 plus casting modifier rounds. The spirit takes its turn just after the caster and wields non-magical versions of the equipment it died with and if it was capable of spell casting it has a max MR equal to the casting modifier. The spirit gains the Spirit template.


Spell Levels
Cleric 5th, Druid 6th
Action Cost
4 Actions
Saving Throw