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#8 - Presentation

PC Post - Rayne Mourncloud

Location: Southern Orc Lands


Rayne took in the group before her. Urzul seemed amused and curious of Rayne but Rayne sensed Gruul’s suspicion of the “half-breed” before him. Rayne thought quickly of her family and her father’s reputation as a commander during the Great War. While Dorrow was a just man, his troops were still enemies of the orcs during those years. She felt the best course would be to not share her last name or her family relations.

“My people call me Rayne. I am a performer with a group called Rostaromalór. We have a new magician in our group. She was practicing a disappearing trick and the idiot ported me to the middle of that field back there. I’m going to strangle her when I get back to camp!”

Urzul laughed and looked back at the field where Rayne pointed. “You must have been walking a long time. You will come with us back to our village for food and rest.” Rayne and Gruul both began to protest but Urzul had already turned to walk back past the male orcs. Gruul followed Urzul and protested as the other orcs grumbled and followed suit.

Rayne trailed along behind them. She knew she needed to gain information on her whereabouts in order to make it back to her “clan”, or to find anyone who might be able to help her solve the mystery of the mask Zar entrusted to her.

After walking a while, Rayne noticed Urzul was now walking beside her. “So, you are a magician too?”

Rayne shook her head. “No. I am a musician. I mostly play a bodhran. I was just trying to help a friend.”

“I see.”

“Where are we? I do not recognize these lands.” Rayne inquired of Urzul.

Urzul looked at her and smirked. “You are north of the Gateway Mountains in Night Bow Tribal lands. We are not far from our village. Gruul and I will present you to our Chieftain’s spouse. He is with the others in Bloodmoon Village past the mountains to the south. She will ask many questions of you to determine what is to come of you. Be truthful and honest for your head can end up on a pike quickly if you lie to her.”

They walked a short distance further before they came to what Urzul had called their ‘village.’ Rayne was stunned by the conditions. There were no permanent structures, only makeshift tents. Those she saw were mostly women, children and old or sick. The few males of fighting age were with her in this hunting party. When Urzul stopped and gave an older female Orc the rabbit, Rayne would have thought she had brought them a massive stag by the reaction she got.

After dropping off the rabbit,  they made their way to what appeared the most complete and sturdy tent. A lone Orc warrior stood guard outside. Gruul spoke with him briefly before he pulled the tent flap aside. Gruul walked in and Urzul motioned for Rayne to follow. As she stepped inside, Urzul followed. The interior of the tent was dark, but a small collection of embers in a fire pit gave off some light. It was almost stifling hot and the smell was of unwashed bodies.

At the back of the tent sat a heavily robed figure with two scantly clad female orcs, one on either side. Gruul nodded as they stopped as did Urzul.

“What did you bring back? Your return is early hunters?”

Gruul nodded, “A rabbit. The cook is preparing it.” He motioned to Urzul and then to Rayne. “Urzul also found this half-breed. It claims to have been magically dropped within Night Bow lands by a magician.”

The robed figure looked up and Rayne could only see the faint glow of two pale green eyes staring at her from beneath the hood. A thin, green-skinned hand rose up from the robed figure’s lap and motioned for Rayne to step forward. Urzul nodded and Rayne took a few steps closer.

“My clan’s prized hunters are conflicted over you stranger. Gruul, I sense, thinks you should be treated as a  Dwarven spy and sent to Bloodmoon Village for interrogation. The one he wishes for his mate, Urzul, thinks you a curiosity. Speak only truthful words for a lie will be like a snake being spit before me. Tell me your name, where you come from, how you arrived and who the clan both your parents claim as their own. Your words will determine which of my hunters I side with.”