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Expedition 24 - Koko's Account

Master Dommo had sent me for more glue, but when I returned he had left, it was some while before I discovered he had departed with a crew to seek out caves of various creatures, the Master had forewarned me of this, as he had in mind to recruit them using the gold from his last outing.

I tracked down the valley where the caves were to find an miserable looking army of orcs roped together and cursing at the sun, guarding them a batch of mercenaries and some I recognized as the Master's crew. I marvelled at the army of chaos he had assembled, until I learned of the terrible truth.

Oh woe! Master Dommo had been struck down in battle, but not before delivering a killing blow to the orc chieftain, his life cut short if only to achieve his plan to start a mighty army of chaos. Ambitious as he was, foolishness stopped him from recruiting aid, if only his glue had not lost its stickiness, I and others would have accompanyed him to glory and we would have the makings of a true dark hoard.

Sadly, the wretched creatures are doomed to serve the Master's pithy crew, who will no doubt feed and nurture them into law abiding citizens, abhorrent to the true nature of life.