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  1. Journals

Expedition 17 - Amos's Prayer

Patron Mother of Growth, Her Holiness whose locks weave together the very earth beneath our feet, She whose benevolence allows our continued existence I offer these souls to you for your guidance. Upon my journey back to purge redwood manor I came across an ambush disguised as a request for holy service. I thank you for the wary mind and distinguished eyes you have blessed me with for I quickly saw through the trap and offered them an ultimatum, renounce their deeds or face the barons' justice. Far too few these days choose the former and these knaves were no exception. I was forced to end their sprouting lives with a bolt so that others could be saved from the menace of banditry that so plagues these lands. I see your favor was granted to my vengeance for one of the bandits carried a bountiful collection of gemstones, and the boat they claimed had "run aground" was in perfect working order. Both of these items have been commandeered in your good name. However my prayers are not one of boast, but of fear. Fear for the future, for as we begin our approach to the tower of collectors I shudder at the thought of not being strong enough to save my allies, to deliver them from the dangers of the dark and into your guiding locks. And so I pray that you bestow me with your blessing to continue our journey, grant my hands your mending touch, and my eyes your blinding light. Grant me the strength to carry out your will so that this haunted land may be restored once again.