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[a rather delayed entry in Alke's journal]

The Lady of Coins has laid her claim to the throne of Themis. 

She told us she was the leader of the armies spearheading the coup thirteen years ago. Clearly a skilled fighter and it would seem a good tactician. A great asset in whatever there is to come. Though the fact that she’s only helping us begrudgingly is a problem. The day this oath ends she will stab us in the back. She might just start with me, provided I’m even alive. Old ‘friends’ and all that...   

She and her sisters plotted to take over the throne of Themis from Queen Thesilea V. Because her regime was seen as too weak, too liberal, too open to… men. Tradition is a powerful motivator, even if it’s wrong. For the whole time she spoke to us in the colossus, she only made eye contact with me and Calliope. As if the others didn’t even exist. And then used tradition and the rules of Themis to explain and legitimate that behaviour to me when I challenged her. I’m not sure I want an ally that is so fanatical that she can’t see the reality in front of her eyes. 

Then, her claim is about as valid as the current Queen’s… or Queens’ claims: a throne taken through force. Through what right did the previous queen have to the throne is questionable as well. King Acastus here is the descendant of a long line of heroes and kings and look at the unfair city he’s ruling over and his self-aggrandizing obsession with the Dragonlords. Moxena seems to have found the solution, the right solution: you need people’s allegiance. But not the whole solution, as you not only need your armies’ loyalty, you need the people’s loyalty - otherwise you’re still imposing your own rule, your loyal group on the whole population of Themis. But what is the alternative? 

Yet there is a reason to help her and she seems to know very well how much it appeals to me. The regime in Themis is supported by Lutheria. The queens, Moxena included, are cursed for their ambition, becoming a medusa in exchange for the throne. A change of regime there would be a metaphorical slap in the face for Lutheria. Wouldn’t that be oh so satisfying! Despite her sins, I am genuinely tempted to support Moxena on this… I wonder though where do my friends stand on this issue? I am afraid I may be the only one willing to get her hands dirty on this.

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