1. Journals

The Suppression

Lore Journals

"...They fuel their selfish ambitions and lust for power, and must be stopped at all costs!

That which was given to us by the whisper shall no longer be tainted and selfishly exploited by these heretics"

- Marem Taluun | Excerpt from the founding of the Divine law suppression | 2. Sielach 726

The end of the speech was meet by a roaring applause, and so it was done. Wild and Arcane casting traditions were outlawed on Raka.

Public support had been rising amongst the population for some time, ever since the alleged use of these traditions were linked to the Thraneborn.

A purging of the arcane and wild casting traditions and their practitioners was promptly executed. Several thousands were hunted down and killed, and many more were captured or fled the shard.

Today, almost 150 years later, the Suppression is still being enforced with an iron fist.