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Books aquired by the party

Player Handouts

Architecture: Keep ye' roof above n' off ye'
Prospecting: What we find underground. A childrens book which is incredibly detailed about the different rocks, gems and ores of the underground.
(/&Y¤BN: /({}{€£A=)@£€@ (the tome you found in the roper ritual room on the pedistal)
Evocative Taverns of the Jungle: Troubled Trails of a Tract Most Terrible.
The Beasts of Menita Valley: A book detailing the magical fauna of a valley you have never heard of. This book is a little more eye-catching than most other mundane books.
This book is torn/stained pretty badly. Some of the pages are missing. It is written in Common Speech. It is very plain and unadorned.

You find a contemporary forbidden tome entitled Magic Confession. This book discusses the topic of The Lies of God. This book is more than likely outlawed in most regions, due to the evil magic it may contain. Proceed with caution when dealing with this book.

This book is leafed through, but otherwise good condition. It is written in Ancient Elven (Elven Calligraphy)

Arcana // Craft || Enchanting and you : A primer on basic experiments to conduct to learn the basics of enchanting.