1. Characters

Nakani - Warlord of the Ever-Living


Nakani is the leader of the necromantic revolution and the freer of your time of labour. Nakani is here to gainfully employ bored spirits, so mankind can lift its gaze from the ground to the heavens. While her opponents try to defile her name by calling her a defiler of corpses, Nakani and her followers know that such claims are nothing but the reactionary cramps of a ruling overclass trying to stifle the youthful spirit of innovation and revolution.

Nakani and her followers fight for equality and freedom. Freedom from feudal tyranny. Freedom from the yoke of manual labour. Freedom from the vice-grip of family and tradition. Who cares if the spirits of tyrants who forced people to die in the rice fields are now put to work? And how can it be even the remotest kind of wrong to employ the mindless or willing spirits so humanoid-kind can lift its head from the mud?

What the rest of Panjo calls the Undead, Nakani calls the Ever-Living. As she is here to forever destroy the barrier between the ruling and ruled class, so is she here to destroy the barrier between living and dead.

One nation, one people, one existence.