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Seated in the southwest of the long central mountain range of Estir is the nation of Prentosias. As recently as 30 years ago, Prentosias was a much larger nation, nearly as expansive as old Rem. Under the policies of their old king, Louis Ramon. He had once had aspirations of rebuilding the losses of Rem, with the port town of Marchesa as a new Urbanum. He converted his navy into an engine of war and conquest and began to take his war east, seizing the unoccupied north of Horteka. Louis’ son, Ferdinand Ramon, decided that the next stage of conquest would be to break the nations to the north, bringing them into his great empire. He led a bitter campaign against the other nations with success after success behind him. As the war reached new heights, people who once stood aside began to take notice. Finally, a military coalition of Zephra, Epanse, and Oratrova united against the Prentosian advance.

Aided by espionage and sabotage conducted by rebellion groups within the Prentosian territory. With this alliance turned against them, the Prentosian army began to lose, over and over again. Finally, they were pushed back, even back to the shores of Marchesa, but once the victorious allies arrived, they discovered their enemies were dead. The entire royal family had been slaughtered by the king’s council. The council established themselves as the new rulers of Prentosias and arranged the negotiations for peace.

The current makeup of the ruling council of Prentosias, the council of the star, is Gaspar Muno, Frasco Pinero, Raina Goldjaw, Mercedes Zea, Estevon Perron, Rosalinda Madron, and Vincente Vilchez. Each of them collaborating on the advancement of the country, though Mercedes Zea has risen among them as the informal leader of the council.

The common people of Prentosias and some of the nobility resent how the council seized power and the suddenly reduced status of their nation when only a few years ago they were the center of an empire. Though just about every citizen appreciates the war was a mistake. There are rumors that Louis Ramon’s daughter may have survived her family’s slaughter, and she is occasionally used as the basis for whispers of revolt and the return to the old monarchy.