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Our Dearest Headhunters,

So many times we have already crossed paths, so many times we were on opposing sides. Reasoning did not appear an option with your group and sadly most of our encounters have not been pretty. We pay every bit of trouble you cause us back twofold. While we shall admit, to underestimating your group previously, it were all but minor setbacks you caused us while celebrating your self-proclaimed victories.

Your pathetic attempts to hold on to the control of the people in the Sword Coast through your council is futile and harmful to all of you. Humanoids do not possess the capability to make the right decisions for your kind. They are shortsighted. They only know how to destroy and steal to eventually create what they themselves desire, regardless of the cost. Just ask your Giant and Dragon friends when humanoids were ever content with what they were given.

While we know we can not convince you, nor the council. What about the common man? Don’t they all have dreams? Are they all not slighted by the systems that the people you collude with put in place?

You present our existence as something that one has to fight. But dreams, like ideas, can not be killed, you can not touch them, or hold them. Dreams do not bleed nor feel pain.

One does not stop a dream, our dearest Headhunters, for dreams are what made all of you humanoids reach the heights that you have. Even when you provide a person with all he desires, he shall continue dreaming for more. And while many things can be destroyed, dreams exist eternally. Our power is nigh infinite, until you all destroy yourselves.

So, please give the kid a coin for he dreams of wealth and riches so nobody has to live with hunger. And realise one thing, we see everything, we hear everything, we are everywhere, we are everyone.

Your kind once said "If you desire peace, prepare for war".

Sadly your kind all has to make sacrifices for the greater good. So we shall let you take a look at what a war with us will look like. See you soon.

  • DQ